Compromise in job-hunt<b class="call">:记号扑克牌</b>_jobhunting

摘要:  An increasing number of corporates are open to the public for offering occupations, especially college graduates. And the students are eager to grant the precious opportunity because they deeply k记号扑克牌最新动态及资讯。

  脑海里想起了一个声音,  很清晰却不知道谁。  她说:快跑,快跑&hellip;&hellip;  再不走你会沦陷的,  我愣了一下,  笑了笑,扬起了头。  原来是你啊!  我在心里说道,

  An increasing number of corporates are open to the public for offering occupations, especially college graduates. And the students are eager to grant the precious opportunity because they deeply know the difficult of job-hunting nowadays. Therefore, in order to get a job as soon as possible, they even Compromise in it. That is to say, the job they are applying is not the same as their primary intend. They ignore their hobby and majors eventually.

  With the development of technology and productivity, most of the occupations are instead by machines. So there are more and more pressures on those who busy with job-hunting. For instance, some job-hunters urge to earn money as soon as possible to separate themselves from parents" support.Others Compromised in job-hunting are due to high salary and good reputation of the company.

  From a long-term point of view, the conduct is not benefiting for our mental and physical health because we are lacking interest in the position. As a result, we should hunt for job in accord with our interests and knowledge.

  大人叫我小树儿,  还让远远地闪开&hellip;&hellip;  可尊敬的大人们  就算是棵小树儿,  当悠悠风儿经过,  会留下一线缺口;  当闪闪光儿划过,  会落下斑影一道。  就算真是棵